Got Questions?

Let's start a conversation!

We want to start a conversation with you by hearing your questions and objections to the Christian story.  This winter we are polling our local community to discover what would make the idea of God an appealing reality, even for skeptics!

Questioning Christianity

We understand that many individuals face barriers when it comes to embracing faith in a higher power. In fact, recent research indicates that 50% of non-religious people who don’t believe in a God because they want a more ‘science and evidence based’ approach to belief.  We want to understand what would make the idea of God an appealing reality, even for skeptics!

We’d love to start a conversation with you about whether faith in God is deep nonsense or provides deep insights into the meaning of life.

Share how you would finish this sentence: ‘God would be good news if…’ No matter who you are – sceptic, seeker or saint – we’d love to hear your ideas. Is it if there was clear evidence, fairness, positive influence, or world peace? What do you think? 

The top 3 responses to this question will be addressed over the three Sundays in August — 11th, 18th + 25th.

Get In touch

If you have lots of questions and you would like to discuss with someone, please get in touch. One of our pastors would love to meet up and chat.

“Sceptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep insights can be winnowed from deep nonsense.”— Carl Sagan

I don't believe in God because...

Have a listen to the talks from previous years running this series.


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