Providing food, friendship and hope to those on the margins.
We believe that providing a hearty breakfast in a safe community, with the opportunity to read the Bible, can and does change lives. Bread of Life allows us to partner with other local Christians to love our city in practical ways.

What is Bread of Life?
Every Sunday we provide food, friendship and hope for those on the margins in our city. For the past 25 years St Michael’s Surry Hills, and now Vine Church, has provided almost 50,000 meals to people doing it tough.
The name ‘Bread of Life’ serves to highlight our desire not just to provide physical food, but to share eternal food through the gospel. We want those involved to know that we love and serve because God first loved us and that nothing is better or more important than the life, love and freedom found in Jesus, the Bread of Life.
Similarly, the word ‘companion’ is used because we believe people should be defined by their relationships not their circumstances.
Lloyd Steadson, is employed by Vine Church as the Director of Bread of Life, to lead and facilitate Sunday mornings. All the other team members are volunteers.
Bread Of Life
Each Sunday Bread of Life provides food, friendship and hope to those on the margins. This is tax deductible through the Vine Church Foundation.
- Bank Transfer
Transfer a single or recurring gift from your account using the details below:
Vine Church Surry Hills
BSB 062 033
AC# 1075 0632
Reference: BoL + Name (E.g. BoL JSmith)
- Credit/Debit Card
Give a single or recurring gift via credit card or debit card with no registration or account needed
Please note this incurs a 1.4% bank fee.
Partner with us to provide bread for today and bread for eternity.
What to expect
Our volunteer teams begin at 7am to set up the breakfast and area and prepare food to share with the companions when they arrive at 8am. Between 8am-8.30am, volunteers are serving breakfast, handing out care packages and chatting with companions. At 8.30am we run Brekkie Church, a devotional bible study.
A 2011 Bread survey of 20 Companions found:
- Majority are male (89%) and over 36 years old,
- A third sleep rough, while others live in boarding or government housing,
- Most suffer from mental health, health and addiction problems,
- Almost all are long-term unemployed and rely on ‘day services’.
In Winter each year we collect blankets and jumpers and distribute them during winter. Bread of Life runs every on Sunday during in the year (except January) and also happens on Christmas Day.
Want to serve at Bread of Life?
GET IN TOUCH. Email us todau about HOW YOU CAN get involved and PARTNER WITH BREAD OF LIFE.
Read about Dhanu's experience serving at Bread of Life
One of our volunteers, Dhanu Eliezer from Scotts Church, has written about her experience and motivation for serving at Bread of Life. It’s available to read at the TGC Australia website.