Vine Kids + Youth


Jesus loves the kids in our city and so do we!

We are here to help parents raise kids who follow Jesus and have fun learning about him. Vine Kids + Youth is a welcoming and safe place for all families.

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Vine Kids

Each Sunday, Vine Kids get to know God better in a fun and safe environment. The kids spend their time singing, playing games and making craft as they learn from the Bible.

Creche for kids under 3  |  Preschool for kids aged 3-5  |  Primary for school aged kids

Kids start in the main church with parents and carers. Early into the service we invite kids to head out to their programs. On your child’s first visit to Vine Kids we will ask the parent or carer present to complete the form below, so we can best care for them. 


Vine Youth

If you are in high-school you’re welcome, no matter who you are, your background or beliefs. Every Sunday morning, Vine Youth hang out, eat and chat over the things they read in the bible. 

You’re invited to come check it out!

Vine Youth have regular FRIDAY NIGHT sessions. More info here >>>

Thursdays in surry hills

Mini Movers

A play time for 0–5 year olds and their carers.

Mini Movers is a fun space for local families with little children to connect and play, with an interactive music and movement session – including dance, rhymes, songs, parachute, stories and instruments.

Check out our mini movers page to stay up to date. 

As part of the Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney, Vine Church follows the Safe Ministry Guidelines which sets out the standards expected from our leaders, workers and volunteers, specifically as they affect children, youth and vulnerable people.

Vine Kids is taught by volunteers, with valid Working with Children Checks and Safe Ministry Training, who implement a creative and interactive curriculum.

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