sharing jesus with sydney and beyond
Equipped to serve God with your whole life.
If we are to connect thousands of inner city people to Jesus, we are going to need thousands of inner city Christians fully equiped and engaged in that work.
Our mission is to train and equip Ministry Fellows in leadership and Christian ministry so that they are making a greater kingdom impact in the ministries they lead and serve in at church.

What is a Ministry Fellow?
A Ministry Fellowship at Vine Church is a 1-year program offering practical ministry experience and leadership training across various teams. It’s designed to complement each participant’s passions, gifts, and experience, equipping everyday Christians working secular jobs to have a greater impact in their local church ministry.
We believe in every-member ministry—God’s mission thrives when all His people use their gifts with His power. Through this program, we aim to raise up leaders and servants making a real kingdom difference
Ministry Fellows contribute to key areas of church life, including discipleship, pastoral care, ministry planning, Sunday services, and outreach. With leadership training in real ministry contexts, participants are equipped to serve with purpose and intentionality.
At the end of the program, we pray participants will:
- Return to their workplaces better equipped to lead and serve;
- Pursue full-time training through the Ministry Apprenticeship (MTS);
- Enrol in theological study for gospel ministry preparation; or
- Continue in ministry at Vine Church in a part-time or full-time capacity.
Current Fellow
Aileen is currently serving as a ministry fellow at Vine Church, while also working part-time as an account manager at an insurtech company. She studied German and Economics at Sydney University, with a year-long exchange at the University of Freiburg, where she focused on linguistics, history, and economics.
Aileen became a Christian in 2020 after five years of Bible studies with a friend, historical investigations into the Bible and Jesus, and tuning into church services online during COVID-19. Eventually, she visited Vine Church, gave Christianity Explored sessions a go, and found her faith come alive in Jesus.
Aileen is trilingual!!!! She speaks German, Mandarin, and English (although her German is far better than her Mandarin!).
Aileen will be serving in mission and magnification.
MTS Apprentice
Joel Smith has joined our team as a Ministry Training Apprentice (MTS) in 2025. Joel was a software engineer coming out of UNSW in 2020. He grew up in the Shire (and managed to escape!) in a Christian family of 7 who all start with J!!!
Joel will be spending half his week training with Emu Music and the other half the week in a variety of ministries at Vine, including serving in Magnification and Discipleship at 4.30pm, and Vine Kids.
What is the difference between an fellow + other ministry training opportunities?
A Ministry Fellow role is a one day, one year practical training experience for those not yet intending to go into full time paid Christian ministry.
A Ministry Apprentice role is a full time, two year practical training experience for those who are considering a lifetime of Christian ministry.
A Ministry Student role is a one day, two year, practical training experience for those who are studying at theological college and wish to be trained in leadership and church ministry in an urban environment.
Hours of Commitment
This is a one year program that you can start at any time of the year.
The Vine Church Fellowship involves 8 hours per week, plus regular commitment of a core member at Vine Church.
- Core member at your Sunday congregation (9.15am, 11.15am or 4.30pm), and Community Group.
- 4 hours doing ministry at some time during the week
- 4 hours on Mondays with the staff team
Who should consider an fellowship?
Any Christian willing to learn and make a deeper impact for the cause of Christ.
Anyone considering MTS or full-time ministry but wants to test the waters first.
Anyone with the ability to set aside one day per week for the fellowship.
We offer a hands on, fully involved training experience including...
1. Practical Ministry Experience
Fellows will get the opportunity to serve in significant ways within a variety of ministry teams. This may involve being part of the team or leading the team yourself. The particular ministry opportunities available depend on the unique gifts and interests of each fellow, but a number of possible opportunities include:
- Reading the Bible with evangelistic contacts.
- Leading people through Christianity Explored and the Followup Course.
- Coordinating the Bread of Life team, and providing hope for those in need.
- Running outreach events such as Mardi Gras Outreach, Summer Mission, Christmas Festival etc.
- Serving on the Connect and Care Team which seeks to connect with new people at church and care for those who are doing it tough.
- Leading people through Onboard and getting them established in a Community Group and serving in a Ministry Team.
- Leading or serving in the Hosting or Foodies Team on Sundays.
- Running events which bring people together including Newcomers Nights, Weekend Away, Man Camp, Girl’s Getaway, Socials etc.
- Conducting pastoral visits to people in hospital.
- Planning Sunday gatherings.
- Leading Sunday services.
- Leading bands and musicians.
- Leading AV and production teams.
- Coordinating and promoting prayer through Prayer & Praise Nights and other opportunities.
- Writing and distributing Bible reading and prayer resources which help people in their time with God.
- Meeting one to one with people you are discipling for prayer, Bible reading and encouragement.
- Leading a Community Group.
- Coaching Community Group leaders.
- Teaching Preliminary Theological Certificate courses.
- Coordinating Faith & Work events.
- Running a bookstall and encouraging people to read.
- Preparing and giving a Bible talk.
- Building a culture of joyful service at Vine Church.
- Recruiting volunteers and helping them find opportunities to use their gifts to build the church.
- Training Ministry Team Leaders to be more effective in leading their teams.
- Discipling kids or youth on Sunday mornings at Vine Kids or Vine Youth.
- Leading or serving at the Jungle afternoon kids club.
- Leading or serving at Friday night Vine Youth.
- Teaching scripture in local schools.
2. Participation on the congregational Connect and Care team
You will be involved your your congregation’s (9.15am, 11am, 4.30pm) weekly Connect and Care meeting at which you will join the pastoral staff in shepherding those in their congregation. You will play an integral role in pastoral ministry and experience the joys (and sorrows) of how people respond to God.
3. Training cohort with 1 year training syllabus
Fellows will receive fortnightly training with other Fellows, MTS and Student Ministers from our pastors on theology, ministry, and leadership.
4. Guided reflection with a minister
Each fellows will meet with a Vine Church minister quarterly for a guided reflection on what you are learning, as well a prayer and encouragement. At the completion of your fellowship you will write a Reflection Paper (1,000 words) to help you reflect with your minister on what you have learned.
5. Specific training by request
Fellows are also invited to speak to our pastors about any ministries or pastoral experiences they would value being trained in. Some of these experiences include:
- Preparing a Bible talk
- Writing a Bible study
- Visiting someone in hospital
- Leading the Sunday gathering
6. Conferences
All Fellows join the rest of the staff team at conferences which they attend together throughout the year (including Reach Australia and Nexus).
"Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. — 1 Corinthians 15:58
Application details
An Fellowship is an unpaid training experience. Candidates will be fully reimbursed for all church conferences and ministry expenses.
For expressions of interest, please get in touch
Ministry Training Opportunities
Ministry Apprentice
a.k.a MTS Trainee
A two year, hands-on, full-time MTS apprenticeship, giving you the opportunity to grow as a minister to others in the context of a local church.
Ministry Fellow
a.k.a Intern
A leadership development fellowship, providing you with hands on practical leadership opportunities with a staff-mentor and training.
Ministry Student
a.k.a Student Minister
For those studying at theological college wishing to be trained in leadership and church ministry in an urban environment.