Men who belong to Jesus and one another
We’re gathering the men at Vine Church to build one another up in the faith and work out together what it looks like to be men who belong to Jesus. We want you to find a community of men who will help you grow as a Christian.

Men's Ministry at Vine Church
At Vine Church we want to grow godly men that seek God, love one another and serve the city. However, there is great confusion in our society about what it means to be a man. When that’s combined with the confused and often negative view of what it means to be Christian, it can be a challenge to know how to stand firm in the faith and live confidently as men who belong to Jesus.
We’re gathering the men of Vine Church together for real community and Jesus-centred teaching, giving you the opportunity to engage, discuss, encourage, and pray for one another. At Vine Church we believe that spiritual growth happens best when we do it together.
Join us at any of the Vine men events and you will meet some great men who love Jesus and want to help you become a better man, friend, brother, husband, father, colleague and follower of Jesus.
We also have a Men’s Community Groups that gather weekly. More info here.
Vine Men 2025

Saturday Morning Men's Breakfast
- Saturday, 1 February 2025
- 7am at Vine Church
- $10pp
- House-made Bacon and Egg Rolls + Artificer Coffee
- The difference faith makes in matters of life and death.
- Interviews and short talks + solid conversations with men from all three congregation at Vine Church.

Basecamp City Conference
- 2 August, 2025
- UNSW Roundhouse
- Tickets TBC
- 8am - 3pm
- Topic: Wise Up With Jesus Strength & purpose through Jesus’ Wisdom
- Great teaching, good coffee + time together.
Basecamp Tickets
This August, Vine Men are heading to Basecamp to hear great talks and gather with hundreds of other Christian men from across Sydney.
Vine Men has secured 24 Early Bird priced tickets at the Basecamp Early Bird Price. Use the form below to secure one of those.
Once the 24 tickets have gone you’ll need to get your tickets from the KCC Basecamp website. Make sure you select a ‘City’ ticket.
February Speaker
We’ll hear from Dr Yaw Chin (member of 11.15am congregation) who is a Professor of Radiation Oncology. Yaw is the kindest man you never want to meet professionally, but he deals with people in life shattering situations each day.
Vine Men’s breakfasts are a chance to hear from one of our own about life and faith and living it out in the real world.
Where does Vine Men fit in the wider church community?
The Apostle Paul reminds us that the leader’s job is to equip the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4). Therefore, we view the whole church as an every-member ministry, where Sundays and Community Groups form the primary contexts for discipleship. They are also the primary context for men’s ministry. We encourage men to get involved in Sunday gatherings and join a Community Group as the primary way to connect with other men in the church.
In support of these regular rhythms, we also provide a variety of events for men throughout the year, such as retreats, breakfasts, workshops, seminars, and social activities which are meant to equip, support, inspire, and encourage men to better engage with the primary rhythms of Sundays and Community Groups throughout the week.
You can find upcoming men’s events above!
Keen to read? Here’s some resources on biblical manhood:
Thrive in every connection...
Relationships are both beautiful and complex. We’re here to equip you to navigate them with grace and godliness — whether at work, home, with family, or on a sport team. We run a variety of events at Vine Church dive deep into discussions on living well and honouring God in every season of life. We encourage you to pick the one that you find most helpful.