
Equipped to thrive in every connection

Relationships are both beautiful and complex. We’re here to equip you to navigate them with godliness and grace; whether at work, home, with family, or on a team. We want you to thrive in every connection. 

“godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” — 1 Timothy 4:8

Thrive in every connection

At Vine Church, we’re all about connecting people with Jesus and seeing their lives transformed by the love, life, and freedom He offers. 

Our community is built around Jesus, where we support each other in becoming who God intended us to be. We love seeing people grow to be like Jesus, living godly lives that reflect the beauty of the gospel, as we rely on the Holy Spirit’s power to grow and change.

We host a variety of events at Vine Church that dive deep into discussions on living well and honouring God in every season of life. We encourage you to pick the one that you find most helpful. Each of these events provide practical insights and biblical wisdom, focusing on thriving in every connection we make. 

These events are also open to people outside our church, whether they are believers or not. While the Christian principles inform part of the sessions, the focus will be on practical skills anyone could implement to strengthen relationships.

Join us as we seek to grow together, honour God, and thrive in every connection we make.

Thrive Events 2024


Confident Parenting: Parenting has become increasingly more confusing. There is so much advice and information available that it can become overwhelming.

At this seminar, Michelle Varcoe will share some thinking from family systems theory in hope to help parents recover their confidence and consider how they can be the best resource for building their children’s resilience. This seminar is relevant for parents with children of all ages.

To help make it possible for parents to attend, we’re offering childcare/children’s programs for ages 0-18 on site at $10 per child. Please register promptly so we can plan for everyone.


Marriage Enrich: "Marriages don't grow simply because both spouses age. Growth is intentional, demanding and utterly surprising. It requires space and time." - Dan B. Allender

It's essential for couples to set aside dedicated time to strengthen their marriage. Taking a day away in a relaxed setting allows for deepening intimacy, addressing issues constructively, and building habits to sustain love through all seasons of marriage.

To help make it possible for couples with children to attend, we’re offering childcare/children’s programs for ages 0-18 on site at $15 per child. Please register promptly so we can plan for everyone.

Healthy Relationships Seminar

Healthy Relationships: Whenever we bump up against others, we are faced with the joy and sometimes dilemma of relating.

At this seminar, Lauren Errington will share some thinking from family systems theory about what we are up against in relationships and where our efforts are best directed in working on connecting with others.

Lauren is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, Clinical Family Therapist and the Executive Director of the Family Systems Institute. She is interested in the functioning of humans in relationships and the additional wisdom that the study of natural systems theory provides. This awareness of human emotional systems can help us observe and understand ourselves better in relationships.

Resources on relationships:

by Paul Grimmond
by Jenny Brown
By Ed Welch
By Tim Keller

Other opportunities to help you thrive...

Vine Men

We’re gathering the men at Vine Church to build one another up in the faith and work out together what it looks like to be men who belong to Jesus. We want you to find a community of men who will help you grow as a Christian.

Vine Women

We’re gathering the women at Vine Church together to nourish our souls and encourage each other to live courageous lives of love just as Christ Jesus loved us. We want you to find a community of women who will help you grow as a Christian.


Upcoming Events

Away Sunday

30 March, 2025
 - 30 March, 2025
We won’t be gathering in Surry Hills on Sunday, 30 March because we’re heading off on our All-In Weekend Away to hear from God’s word, recharge and connect as a community

Alpha Series

2 March, 2025
Alpha is a series of group conversations that explore the basics of the Christian faith. Everyone’s welcome. It’s free and includes lunch. You’re invited, no matter your background or beliefs. RSVP for Alpha here.

Life in Jesus

5 January, 2025
 - 23 March, 2025
At the start of each year, we love kicking things off at Vine Church with a series of Bible talks focused on the life of Jesus. It’s a chance to read through one of the biographies of Jesus and explore the relevance of His teaching for our everyday lives. This summer, we’re picking up where we left off last year, diving into chapters 15–18 of the Gospel of Matthew.

Global Mission Month

2 March, 2025
 - 30 March, 2025
Join us in church on Sundays this March to hear more about how God is at work around the world. Be inspired to deepen our connections and boost support for our global mission partners, as well as reignite our own missional urgency right here in Sydney.

Weekend Away 2025

28 March, 2025
 - 30 March, 2025
All three congregations are gathering together for an epic weekender. Early Bird rego now open!

Prayer & Praise Night

5 March, 2025
Let’s gather to pray for our church family, our city and our world and to sing praises to our good God.

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