At Easter, we come together to celebrate the amazing news that Jesus Christ conquered death and gives new life to all who trust in him. While Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are times of reflection on the death of Jesus Christ, Easter Sunday is the party day for Christians the world over.
Whoever you are and whatever your background, we’d love for you to join us and explore Jesus with us.
17 APRIL 2025
8pm Evening Communion Service
with Hot Cross Buns from The Bread & Butter Project
Come to reflect on the cross, share communion with one another, and hear about how Jesus is all about forgiveness.
18 APRIL 2025
10am Morning Communion Service + full kids program
with Hot Cross Buns from The Bread & Butter Project + coffee
Come to reflect on the cross, share communion with one another, and hear about how Jesus is all about forgiveness.
20 APRIL 2025
10am Celebration Service + full kids program
with Easter Egg Hunt and lunch
4.30pm Celebration Service
with dinner
Come gather to celebrate the amazing news that Jesus Christ conquered death and offers renewing hope to all who put their trust in him. Stick around after the service for a bbq meal together.
If you haven’t been to church recently, or ever stepped foot inside one, this is a great year to come along.
We’d love you to visit Vine Church this Easter and explore Jesus with us.
We know that walking into a church can be nerve – racking. We don’t expect everyone to be Christian, in fact we love that many are coming to check out Jesus for the first time.
At our meetings you’ll find a group of people who live and work in the city and come together to learn of the life, love and freedom that Jesus offers. If you are not familiar with church, our meetings are very relaxed and you will always find a warm welcome.
You won’t be asked to say or do anything that you’re uncomfortable with. There will be live music, prayers, Bible reading and a sermon during the service. Afterwards there will be a chance to stick around for good food and conversation. We are a social lot, but if you need space, that’s cool with us also.
Easter is more than just a four-day long weekend; it’s an event that changed the world.
Explore Jesus.
Consider His life.
See what He offers.
Explore the life, love and freedom Jesus offers at our Life Series. Starts Tuesday, 23 April. Sceptics and doubters welcome.