
Giving changes lives.

We give because we stand amazed at God’s gift to us in his Son and we want others to know that gift as well.
You’re invited to invest in the gospel going out in Surry Hills, Sydney and beyond

We give because...

At Vine Church, we believe that the only way to understand any aspect of life is to view it through the lens of the story of Jesus (the gospel). In 2 Corinthians 8:9, Paul discusses the impact the story of Jesus should have on the way Christians understand wealth:

‘For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.’

Seeing Christ’s sacrificial love for us, that he gave up everything so that we could inherit the riches of heaven, helps us develop a healthy attitude toward our material possessions and become people who are both generous and joyful.  

Partner with Vine Church financially to help
bring the good news of Jesus to Sydney and beyond.

Regular Giving to Vine Church Ministry:

Support the regular weekly ministry of Vine Church in Surry Hills.

Transfer a single or recurring gift from your account using the details below:

Name: Vine Church Surry Hills
BSB: 062 033
AC#: 1075 0624

Give a single or recurring gift via credit card or debit card with no registration or account needed.

Please note this incurs a 1.4% bank fee.

Global Misson Partners

Supporting the work of missionaries and church plants around the world. Our members financially support a number of global partners who are connecting people to Jesus in Sydney and beyond to the life, love and freedom found in Jesus. Discover more here.

Transfer a single or recurring gift from your account using the details below:

Vine Church Surry Hills
BSB 062 033
AC# 1075 0624
Reference: Global Partner + Name (E.g. ReachAustraliaJSmith)

Give a single or recurring gift via credit card or debit card with no registration or account needed.

Please note this incurs a 1.4% bank fee.

Vine Church Foundation


Giving to the Vine Church Foundation is tax deductible. Currently we are able to receive gifts for the following purposes: Building Renewal, Care Fund, Scholarships and Bread of Life. An annual tax receipt will be sent in July of every year. There are multiple ways to give within the Vine Church Foundation:

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. God Gave First
We worship a generous God. The most famous verse in the Bible says that ‘God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son (Jn 3:16). We give because God first gave to us.
2. To Worship God
Jesus warned that it is impossible to serve both God and money (Matt 6:24). One of the ways we demonstrate the fact that we worship God and not our money is by giving it away.
3. To Be Enriched
Paul told the Ephesians elders, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’ (Acts 20:35). The act of giving is spiritually enriching.
4. To Multiply Ministry
Paul told Timothy, ‘the elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honour, especially those who labour in preaching and teaching’ (1 Tim 5:17). By financially supporting gospel work, we can free up more people to multiply ministry and grow God’s Kingdom.

In the Old Testament, God’s people were encouraged to give a tithe (10%) of their income back to him. By the time we reach the New Testament, a new principle is introduced-sacrificial generosity. Sacrificial generosity replaces the Old Testament principle of tithing. So, rather than being commanded to give10%, Christians are now called to show generosity in response to God’s grace shown to us in Jesus Christ. Even though the New Testament does not lay upon us the old law of 10%, it would seem rather inconsistent with the gospel of grace for us to conclude that we should give any less than 10%. Paradoxically, grace actually lifts the bar on generosity rather than lowering it. If you want to know what generosity looks like, why not try starting with a tithe and see if you can build up from there? Let the tithe be your springboard for generosity.

Donating to the charitable activities of Vine Church is a great way to contribute to the gospel, whilst also boosting your tax return. A tax deductible gift or donation will reduce your taxable income, resulting in a higher refund on tax paid throughout the year or a reduced ATO debt when you complete your tax return. 

Vine Church has the status of a deductible gift recipient (DGR) for our Foundation Activities: Scholarships, Care fund, Connect Building Renewal and Bread of Life. 

For more information, please contact our senior pastor or wardens

Growing In Generosity

Want to learn more? Here’s some resources:

Connect Building Renewal


Every day our newly renovated buildings serve as a gathering place for people whose lives have been transformed by Jesus. Help pay down our loan, ensuring that future generations in Surry Hills can experience the life-changing message of Jesus. Giving to Connect is tax deductible through the Vine Church Foundation.

Transfer a single or recurring gift from your account using the details below:

Vine Church (Property Account)
BSB 633 000
AC# 1603 17731

Reference for tax-deductible gifts: ConnectBuild + Name (e.g.ConnectBuild CHemsworth) 
*note unique acct # to other ministry areas. 

Give a single or recurring gift via credit card or debit card with no registration or account needed.

Please note this incurs a 1.4% bank fee.

Care Fund


Every week, we all demonstrate our care for one another through big and small ways. In times when people require more support than one person can provide, we come together as a church to lend a helping hand. Giving towards the care fund will directly help members of our church community experiencing financial distress, grief, sickness or change. This is tax deductible through the Vine Church Foundation.

Transfer a single or recurring gift from your account using the details below:

Vine Church Care Fund
BSB 062 033
AC#1075 1344
Reference: CareFund + Name (E.g. CareFund CHemsworth)

Give a single or recurring gift via credit card or debit card with no registration or account needed.

Please note this incurs a 1.4% bank fee.

Supporting Ministry Training


Every year, we provide a combination of hands-on experience, training and mentoring for a group of men and women who are about to enter full-time gospel ministry. Through the Vine Church Foundation we are able to provide scholarships to train and equip the next generation of gospel ministers in Australia. This is a tax deductible gift.

Transfer a single or recurring gift from your account using the details below:

Vine Church Scholarships*
BSB 062 033
AC# 1075 1344
Reference:  Scholarships + Name  (E.g. Scholarships CHemsworth)

**note unique acct # to other ministry areas. 

Give a single or recurring gift via credit card or debit card with no registration or account needed.

Please note this incurs a 1.4% bank fee.

Bread Of Life


Every Sunday, Bread of Life provides a hot breakfast, Bible study and warm welcome to people on the margins of our city. This fund helps make a tangible difference in the lives of those facing hardship, offering them hope, nourishment, and the gospel of grace. This is tax deductible through the Vine Church Foundation. For more information about Bread of Life, tap here.

Transfer a single or recurring gift from your account using the details below:

Vine Church Bread of Life*
BSB 062 033
AC# 1075 0632
Reference: BOL + Name (E.g. BOL CHemsworth)
*note unique acct # to other ministry areas. 

Give a single or recurring gift via credit card or debit card with no registration or account needed.

Please note this incurs a 1.4% bank fee.

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